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Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ugh @ 10:43 PM

people suck.



I mean, jeez. Doomed to fail much? I don't want to wish harm on you or anything (LIAR) because I'm not a bitch (STOP LYING).


God, I think he still likes you or something. That's why he's mean to you. I dunno. I kinda want you to get back together, but he's an asshole so uh. YEAH. :B

Hopefully, nolongtime.


I'm in computer class, slacking off. YAY!

Which is not a very good idea since I have a D in that class. I know, a D (plus, actually) in computer class. I'm retardeeeed~


Anyhoodle, Jill. Haha. Jill is hot, apparently. o.o

I pay too much attention to things other than the things I should be paying attention to. D:

I only have like, 10 minutes left of class, also.






Friday, September 12, 2008

Yeah! :B @ 12:37 AM

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Sunday, September 7, 2008

I love posting random blogs from my dashboard on Vista. @ 11:24 PM


Bahhh, life sucks.

This happened a while ago, but this one dude I've liked since I saw him like ONE time at my friend's pool party is going out with this girl, right? And I really like him even though I hardly know him 'cause that's just how my mind works. So anyway, right after I get to start talking to him--like literally the same day--he meets this girl I know and superawesomelyyafallsinlovewither~
I mean my friend even calls me "hey, you know that guy you like, well so-and-so likes him too and they've been talking and I think they're gonna go out blahblahblah. And then I was like WTFFMLOMGBBQ. I wanted to die. Like literally. I don't think I've ever felt worse. I didn't cry 'till like... later that day. And the days before I was like really giddy 'cause I thought I was maybe going to meet him and stuff. But NO, THIS happens. -___-
Argh. Argharghargh. :/

So yeah, I like him even more now 'cause I can't have him. And I keep discovering all these things we have in common. >:/
Whatever, I'll just continue to be emo and stop taking up your precious internets.


hi there.

"Tuesday night, at the bible study, we lift our hands and pray over your body but nothing ever happens."


Hi. I'm Angelica. I like Pokémon and complaining. I'm a youngster, but I freak out like a 42-year-old mother. This is just me worrying about getting into college.


mark twain
google HTML


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