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Friday, October 31, 2008

Oh. My God you guys. @ 1:38 PM

I actually finished my work for computer class today. :B

Like, right now. ANDANDANDNANDANDANDAND. Uh. Yeah. Cory switched out. :[
It was a sad day, I know. :3

OH WELL. Screw him. -.-

Uh, George (this kid I don't even know) dressed up as Link today (oh, by the way: HAPPY HALLOWEEN) and I wanted to attack him.

I swear. My friend Maria and I were freaking out and following him everywhere. I'm pretty sure he noticed, but it's his fault for dressing up. And we suspect he has a girlfriend. And not just any girlfriend. A cute Asian one. Luck bitch. D: It would be funny if he were reading this. Oh hi George. If you're reading this: marry me.


Or your girlfriend can. :D


Still. WTF CORY. You do not know what you're missing. Well, besides me of course. :D


Monday, October 27, 2008

U171M473 F331 G00D S0NG. @ 2:16 PM

Early in the mornin'
Risin' to the street
Light me up that cigarette and I'll strap shoes on my feet
Got to find a reason
Reason things went wrong
Got to find a reason why my money's all gone
I got a dalmatian
I can still get high
I can play the guitar like a motherfuckin' riot

Well life is...so love the one you got
Cause you might get run over or you might get - shot
Never start no static I just get it of my chest
Never had a battle with no bullet proof Vest
Take a small example, take a tip from me
Take all of your money, give it up to charity
This is what i got this within my reach, and
The sublime style still straight from Long Beach
It all comes back to you, you bound to get what you deserve
Try and test that, you're bound to get served
Love's what I got, don't start a riot
You'll feel it when the dance gets hot

Lovin' is what I got, I said remember that
Lovin' is what I got, now remember that
Lovin' is what I got, I said remember that
Lovin' is what I got, I got, I got, I got

I don't cry when my dog runs away
I don't get angry at the bills I have to pay
I don't get angry when my mom smokes pot
Hits the bottle then goes back to the rock
Fuckin, fightin', it's all the same
Livin' with Louie dog's the only way to stay sane
Let the lovin', let the lovin' come back to me

Cause lovin' is what I got, I said remember that
Lovin' is what I got, And remember that
Lovin' is what I got, I said remember that
Lovin' is what I got, I got, I got I got

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I bet you're offended now, hahaha.


Well, I'm donw with my spreadsheet thingy, so's I can like... um do this and stuff.

No Cory (Corey C0R3Y however y'alls spell that) IT'S NOT GOING TO STOP. EVER.

This class can suck my various male parts. -.-
Yes, I know, I'm a woman. Suck my... tits. Well, that's not necessarily offensive. DAMN YOU JESUS.

Friday, October 24, 2008

@ 12:26 AM

What would you do if:

In order to teach you the "value of things"

your mother grabbed your Nintendo DS and threw it at the floor with great force so it would break?

Is that even normal? Come on. COME ON. I know I'm a pain in the ass, but what did my fucking $150 DS ever do to you? You were trying to teach me a lesson: the only lesson I learned was to keep my stuff away from you when you're yeling at me.

This is the SECOND time you've done this and the first time I kind of get, because I disobeyed your direct orders to go to bed. But I still think it was a bit harsh. And obviously it's not like you have to pay for it, 'cause on top of that you're not even gonna pay me back. Well fuck me with a rake. Seriously, like I dropped my aunt's phone BY ACCIDENT (I understand why you're mad; she bought it with her money and let me use it and I let it get scratched) but it's not like WHOA THE SCREEN CRACKED YOU BAD SEED LET ME SMASH YOUR FUCKING DS INTO LITTLE NON-WORKING PIECES. You. Ass.

Okay, so my dad din't pick up the first few times. And then blah blah blah I'm cold and uncaring (the same thing you always say) you hate Diana (you always say that too) I should go die (well, you didn't actually say that, but you might as well have). Motherbanger. MOTHER. BANGER. What the hell came over you?! You don't see me snapping your shit in half. Oh, but it's okay for you to do it, 'cause you're the mom. I would have preferred if you had punched me in the stomach. I'd get over that quicker. But noooo. You have to hurt my STUFF. It's like all I effing have. Which is actually not that much when you think about it. And when you don't count the other crap I have that I don't use. Why don't you break that? do you really dislike me that much that you have to break one of the most important possessions I have, oh excuse me, HAD (there's my phone, my iPod, my laptop and my DS. I mean there was. Not anyfuckingmore)? I see no sense in that. That was just terrible. And of course I've been blocking the first time you broke one of my DSs (no lie, I've had like 3) but now I'm obviously reminded of how shitty I felt. And while you're yelling at me, I start crying and screaming NO, STOP IT and you're just like "CALM DOWN OR I'LL SNAP IT IN HALF" as of you hadn't already wrecked it when you were trying to prove to me you were just two words away from a psycho. I feel really bad calling my mom a psycho but I don't know. She needs to talk to someone. A priest or therapist. Or Jesus. Dude, I don't even know. I just want her to stop yelling at me and breaking my stuff. I know I have to work on the yelling part, but someone please tell me what I did to deserve my DS getting broken. I know it's just a thing and it can be replaced, but it's not just that, it's the act. Why would you do that? I've been raised (by you, ironically) not to do stuff like that. Can I get a witness or something? How the fuck am I going to play Pokemon now? Seriously.

I can't wait 'til Tuesday when the Therapist (hail the almighty, 'cause apparently she thinks I worship her, too) tells her that was really fucked up.

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Monday, October 20, 2008

Oh. Balls. @ 1:16 PM

I am so tired of this class. -.-


I'm supposed to be doing something that's actually interesting

BUT FOR ONCE I HAVE absolutelynoideawhatsoever WHAT TO FUCKING DO.

I'ma cry. I already have like a D+.

D: Morgan Freeman. SAVE ME, I BESEECH THEE. :/ >:/


Sunday, October 19, 2008

um. @ 7:51 PM

I feel like shit. I don't think the internet is helping me either. :/

Feel good song of the moment: The Hardest Button to Button--The White Stripes.

We started living in an old house
My ma gave birth and we were checking it out
It was a baby boy
So we bought him a toy
It was a ray gun
And it was 1981
We named him Baby
He had a toothache
He started crying
It sounded like an earthquake
It didnt last long
Because I stopped it
I grabbed a rag doll
And stuck some little pins in it
Now were a family
And were alright now
We got money and a little place
To fight now
We dont know you
And we dont owe you
But if you see us around
I got something else to show you
Now its easy when you dont know better
You think its sleazy?
Then put it in a short letter
We keep warm
But theres just something wrong when you
Just feel like youre the hardest little button
To button
I had opinions
That didnt matter
I had a brain
That felt like pancake batter
I got a backyard
With nothing in it
Except a stick
A dog
And a box with something in it
The hardest button to button(x7)
*background: The hardest button to button (x3)

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Safe Word is @ 2:20 PM





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Oh my Morgan. We're actually doing something interesting in computer class. Yay!

I'm going to post the vocabulary I do today here because...


because I can.


The Ring of McAllister
1. Vim—energy, enthusiasm
2. Aversion—intense dislike
3. Succulent—juicy, full of vitality or freshness
4. Pallor—paleness, lack of (facial) color
5. Imbue—to saturate or invade as if by dyeing
1. During the summers, he pursued his hobbies with the same vim, tackling a different project each year.
2. The unlikely combination of flavors, coupled with his aversion to fish, made Will year for a succulent burger.
3. Will had inherited her ivory pallor, but not her wavy blond hair or deep, blue eyes.
4. Joanne had imbued the home with a lively sense of nature.


Just a question.


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Monday, October 13, 2008

So I herd u liek mudkips? @ 1:15 PM

My computer teacher is back from the hospital. I think she had pneumonia or something....

It kind of sucks, 'cause I can't listen to my iPod or wear hats anymore and I have to start actually doing work now, but it's good that she's not, you know, dead. That would be bad.

Also, yesterday there was a marathon of GBAM leading up to yet another Halloween special. How surprising. But it was still cool 'cause they hadn't aired it in a looooooong time. :[

So anyway, when I'm watching the movie, I get this Halloween-y feeling, like I should be wearing a costume, and I got this craving for candy (good thing I had some, too, or I would have gone crazy. O:). At the end of the movie, I the feeling stays. I don't know, I just had a bad feeling about today. Not like "OHLORDSOMETHINGWICKEDTHISWAYCOMES" kind of thing, but I just felt weird about today, like it was wrong for us to have school today. I couldn't even sleep, dude. I was so freaked out. I even tried listening to my iPod, but most of the songs reminded me of the feeling and I didn't like it. I ended up putting Dido on repeat. Lmao. And then it turns out today is the 13. I know it's not Friday, but it's still freaky. o____o

So... uh. Yeah, just sharing.

Also, have you gone on my DeviantArt?

I like Shameless Advertising. :D

(Oh, and it turns out I hate my haircut. I HATE IT!)


Sunday, October 12, 2008

. @ 3:46 AM

I'd vote Democrat.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

12/f/ohio @ 10:12 PM

12 years old with a boyfriend.

Go back to Neopets and stop trying to have long-distance relationships with 60 year-olds form Wisconsin. Daddy's credit card is maxed out at the moment, please come back to Hot Topic later. By the way, Linkin Park sucks and stop quoting songs from 93Rock. Do me a favor and go back to being innocent.

Thank you in advance,

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Oh lord. @ 11:59 PM

I got a haircut. YAY.


In other news,

I adopted a cute lil' poison fetus
from Fetusmart! Hooray fetus!



Monday, October 6, 2008

. @ 2:19 PM

I are sexy.

That's all I wanted to say.


Saturday, October 4, 2008

54. @ 11:52 PM

54 pageviews.

Half of those are probably from me anyway.

But I wonder, who are the other 27 people who clicked on this and I wonder if they even read it. There's like no comments on here, and I kind of like that because this is kind of a diary if you will, which is pretty much an oxymoron since it's completely public.

But yeah. Just wondering.

And if you happen to come across my page and are not terribly busy, a comment would be appreciated.

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Friday, October 3, 2008

<33333 @ 2:29 PM


Yew weirdoes liek thees sort of thing.
Lol, cats.


Thursday, October 2, 2008

Oh my Jesus, guys @ 2:05 PM

I'm annoying.

I'm in compurter class, goofing off. Again. -____-

Oh well, I'll just fail and feel stupid. :B

My _______ (fill in the blank) teacher isn't here today (she wasn't yesterday either. Woo), so I'm listening to my iPod. And wearing a HAT. A HAT. o:

Uh, it's special, alright?
You shut up.

Also, I'm a retaaaard. BYEEEE~

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Bah. @ 10:12 PM

I feel terrible.

Well, I mean, I'm going to a psychiatrist therapist (pfft, they're completely different things) and everything and I think she's going to help me, but my mom keeps making me feel bad about like religion and stuff. And I don't know, she keeps saying we're growing apart and I'm like "mom, I'm right here."

I know that's not what she means, but still, I don't know how else to phrase it. Like she's afraid I'm going to leave her or something. And she made me go to church (doesn't she get I don't fucking believe in God?) over the weekend, right? And she starts crying and I go "mom, please stop crying, I hate to see you cry," and she goes "we're growing apart, look at you with your yellow hair and black clothes." And I'm like WTF. What does that have to do with ANYTHING? The thing that bothered me the most though was that like, what I wear and look like is the way I express myself. The way I want people to see me. If I can't express myself, I'd be much more miserable. I waer what I wear because I feel good wearing it, not to spite her or anything. And it's not like I wear black ALL the time. -.- :/
Whatever. It really sucks feeling like this. I know a lot of you have it worse, but it still sucks.

hi there.

"Tuesday night, at the bible study, we lift our hands and pray over your body but nothing ever happens."


Hi. I'm Angelica. I like Pokémon and complaining. I'm a youngster, but I freak out like a 42-year-old mother. This is just me worrying about getting into college.


mark twain
google HTML


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