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Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Just to let you know, @ 2:11 PM

My Caterpie knows String Shot.



Saturday, November 22, 2008

Instant Gratification @ 10:55 PM

I kind of want it.

It doesn't help, though.

Friday, November 21, 2008

So. @ 1:22 PM

I saw mhhhmm today again. Yes, he is a lot better looking up close.

How terribly sad.

Also, there's this other... person which I see to have grown rather fond of lately. I mean, I could like him, but I don't want to mainly because (and if you haven't noticed I really enjoy numbered lists*):

  1. I'd rather have a friendship with him
  2. He can be kind of an ass
  3. His past concerning relationships hasn't been very... stable.
  4. Yeah, he's cute, but that's not all that matters
  5. He probably wouldn't like me either
  6. I know two people that have dated him and both of them were pretty heartbroken (though they've gotten over it, but what he did was pretty horrible; I guess you just have to get used to him being like that)
  7. Just 'cause he's nice to me doesn't mean we're like 'meant to be'. I have that problem.

I'll just stick to liking random kids I don't know.

Read Good Omens! It's like the best book in the history of ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and also, click HERE and... here too.

*[link] and [link]


Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Oh and: @ 1:53 PM

Yes, Patrick by June is a really good song. I want to rename my iPod Patrick now (his name was Larry II, but now it's Laggy). I think I rename my iPods too much. :]

But yes, Patrick the iPod. so cute~


I lo0ove Dramatic Emo Songs. Which is also a song. By Spitalfield.


that's The Only Thing That Matters. (Also by Spitalfield.)


D:< <3 Patrick. :]

Is this what you wanted?
With your match to catch and burn me down
with your type of answers?
It’s just how you say it
Patrick, well is it time?
He’ll watch from the window
Is this what you wanted?
(Is this what you wanted?)
It started off like this.
(I know you know)
Will you go when it's time?
I know you can light the match
(I know you know)
(Patrick, you'll go when it's time)
to burn me down
I know you know what.
I’ll fold, I’ll forget.
Will you?
Is this what you wanted
Now and again through your ears I’m listening.
It’s just impossible to get your attention.
And it always comes down to just how you say it.
Come home.
When I promise
let down
but would you let me go if the time was right
(We will leave this option for you)
It started off like this
Will you go when it's time?
(I know you know)
I know you can light the match
(I know you know)
Will you go when it's time
to burn me down
I know you know what.
I’ll fold, I’ll forget.Will you?
(to burn me down)
I won't come home but
I know you know what
I'll fold, I'll forget
Will you?
Would you go if the time was right?
(burn me down don't forget to)
Would you go just say you would want to take me.
take me, please take me, please take me
(This fire is almost out)
Would you go if the time was right?
(this time we fall)
Would you go?
Just say you want to take me.
take me, please take me.
And burn me down
I know you know what.
I’ll fold, I’ll forget.
Will you?
I won't come home but
I know you know what.
I’ll fold, I’ll forget.
Will you?

Um, it just sounds like he whoever sings this wants it up the butt. And they're ALL dudes. So....
Still a great song though. >___>

And they're cute too~

But more importantly:


But The Strokes are better.

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Friday, November 14, 2008

I just realized @ 1:45 PM

I spend like, 75% of computer class looking at this thing. -____-


You should send me cookies. E-mail me for my adress. :B

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Sunday, November 9, 2008

Erin and I @ 3:12 AM

have a lot of sex, apparently.



Friday, November 7, 2008

ELOHEL. @ 1:36 PM

She got me a hair.

A hair!

OH MY GOD. How awkward. Now I have a strand of hair from some guy I don't even know.

"Well, at least you can clone him now. :D"


I love my friend. :3

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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Ughhh. @ 2:16 PM

My schedule for next semester:

  1. Pre-Calculus (ew, ew, ew, ew, eeeeew)
  2. Drawing and Painting 2 (FINALLY and I know like 2 people in that class. Well, I might not like one of them very much, but STILL. I'm sitting next to Cassie. :3)
  3. Chemistry Not Honors 1 (I could've gotten Honors, since I passed the little test but. Come on. Pre-Calculus AND Chemistry Honors? I don't think so)
  4. Research II (with Mrs. Rotstein, which I'm happy about. I think Frank, Veronica and Jesse are going to be in my class. Hopefully Cassie will too and maybe Jessica? >____> What about DJ?! I'mma miss DJ if he's not in our class again. :/)

And... uh. Yeah. You probably don't care unless you go to my school and actually know me....

Eh. I needed to remind myself. :]


Oh man.

And a lot more slanty faces.

I have computer homework (TWO assignments. O:) math homework from today, and math homework that I didn't do yesterday. How fun~

Kill me. DX

I don't get the point of homework; I want a banana nut muffin.


Monday, November 3, 2008

Oh, really? @ 1:15 PM

You know, I just noticed I'm not getting anywhere with this. Yeah, I know. It's about time. :/

I don't know. I mean, I don't like _ _ _ _ _ _ _ anymore because he already has a girlfriend and liking him is just going to make things worse for me. 'Cause he obVVVVVViously doesn't care. I mean, I wouldn't if I were him. Okay, I would. I would, 'cause I'm not a jerk. :]
I'm not saying he's a jerk though, but I would feel shitty. Like extremely. I dunno, I'd get over it, though. >___> I still think he's attractive. >____> Dun tell her, her head will blow up from being so big. >:D

And _ _ _ _ _ _ and I are never. Never. EVER going to have anything.

  1. I don't even know the dude.
  2. He doesn't even know me.
  3. Just because two of my friends happen to have classes with him does not mean I know him or will ever actually talk to him.
  4. He has a girlfriend.

Life sucks. :[



hi there.

"Tuesday night, at the bible study, we lift our hands and pray over your body but nothing ever happens."


Hi. I'm Angelica. I like Pokémon and complaining. I'm a youngster, but I freak out like a 42-year-old mother. This is just me worrying about getting into college.


mark twain
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