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Monday, January 25, 2010

@ 1:38 AM

So. Here are things that are happening:

  2. 92% of my math class hates me, and all of them probably think I'm ridiculously annoying. I wouldn't be surprised if the teacher thinks I'm annoying too. It's not like it's not my fault, either.
  3. I'm still not asleep because I still haven't written that extra stuff that will make my essay longer.
  4. I got stood up, and I'm even more upset, 'cause I do it to this person all the time, even if it's not on purpose. And I still want to be mad at her and she didn't even call and tell me she couldn't go, instead of just being like "Oh, can I come tonight? Tomorrow morning? Never?" I called her and texted her and she didn't even reply. And FFFF-- I CAN'T EVEN BE MAD CORRECTLY. WHY DO I ALWAYS HAVE TO JUSTIFY MYSELF? No one cares. No one gives two shits about me. No one else bothers justifying themselves and everyone likes them just fine. God damn.
  5. I am so fucked. Ghh.
Really, why won't anyone magically waltz into my life and convince me that it doesn't suck and that I'm not going to end up living in a box and that I will be able to live comfortably by myself in an apartment in Brooklyn with two dogs and a [cat named Boyfriend] while I go to college. I thought going to a new school and meeting new people would help, but it's not the other people, it's me. Fuck.

God. I'm tired of not feeling good about myself, but what can I do? Oh, Angelica you're the only one who can make yourself feel better blah blah blah. Just tell me that when I'm in my damn apartment in Brooklyn and maybe I won't punch you in the face. Maybe.

P.S: If I actually had the balls to punch people in the face, I would feel so much better. God.

Friday, January 15, 2010

@ 4:19 AM

How come I can never seem to go to sleep early? Pfft. I have to write a 4-page essay on The Nightmare by Henry Fuseli. It's a pretty badass painting, I'm not gonna lie. I just don't wanna write about it.

This weekend is gonna suck, much like a majority of my other weekends. My mother is such a doll. I get it, I'm pissy and a tad bitchy sometimes, but hey. She can't win all the time. Oh, wait, apparently she can. 'Cause she can do whatever the fuck she wants and I just have to sit there and be happy about it.

I watched Freaks and Geeks (the entire series). It was awesome. I'm sad it only lasted one season. It was a good show. John Daley is HOT today. He's on Bones. I don't watch Bones. Maybe I should start. Nah.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

I should be sleeping. @ 1:19 AM

They said submit 1-3 pieces of your best writing. I can't come up with anything. I am an insecure little lady. It makes me sad. I forgot to call Feller so he could fix my bike and now I feel bad. Also, I have to walk to the bus stop tomorrow and it's FREAKING COLD. Whatever, I'm wearing two jackets. I feel retarded for making such a big deal of the cold, 'cause I live in Florida but okay.

Nghh. I promised I wasn't gonna let myself get ... me down, but it's HARD. I'm already procrastinating again. And I'm starting to feel shitty and uncomfortable around people. I need to make a change, but I just find myself being loud and obnoxious like always. MY LIFE IS SO TERRIBLE OMG NO ONE HURTS LIKE I DO.

Ugh, I should go to bed. I wish writing about my problems automatically solved them, but it does make me feel better to know that maybe someone out there sympathizes or is at least entertained by my troubles.

wan. wan,

Ha. I don't know how many people actually read this, but ask away.

lskjadla my math teacher (or professor, Idon'tfuckingknow) is very cute (26-ish?) and I am jealous because I wish I were that hot.

He is a man.

A very handsome man.

Don't worry, I'm not going to assault (read: rape) him and make him lose his job. I will just stare at him sometimes and he'll be like "I KNOW I'M ADORABLE BUT STOP IT AND LEARN SOME TRIGONOMETRY."

"But Mr. Gorenstein, I already took this course. Lolwtfomgbbq!!1!one"

"I am going to shoot you."

Thursday, January 7, 2010

WIkipedia is so informative. @ 11:16 AM

I'm bored. I'm kind of upset that I'm not using my time productively, because I will have time for nothing later this week & for the rest of the semester. .___.

(also theinternetisboring.com.)

Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Year? @ 4:12 AM

so like, I'mma see pkmn guy in the bus on Wednesday and I'm not gonna make myself all depressed about it. so yeah, it didn't work out and we don't talk. also, I suck at Pokemon which is pretty much the only thing we had in common. :D

Also, I AM ADORABLE. And maybe someone will see that and be all like "hello there. ;D"
PREFERABLY SOMEONE CUTE. But you know, whatever. .___.

Yup. I know I complain a lot in this online blog of mine. But well. I'm kinda tired of feeling like my life sucks. But don't worry, I'll still complain. I love doing that.

hi there.

"Tuesday night, at the bible study, we lift our hands and pray over your body but nothing ever happens."


Hi. I'm Angelica. I like Pokémon and complaining. I'm a youngster, but I freak out like a 42-year-old mother. This is just me worrying about getting into college.


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