Tuesday, March 30, 2010
Ffffff, @ 6:54 PM
I really wish my life was like this:
Also, I find the lead singer of Franz Ferdinand to be oddly attractive. They're all "ugly," but I guess I like men who drunkenly crash art parties.
Labels: musicians are such assholes.
One more thing, Camera Obscura freaking rules. I bought their Maudlin Career CD a while ago and loved it, and just now I'm starting to listen to some of their other songs. I'm gonna get all of the albums. Ah.
I'm the worst student ever. :/
I sort of wish that I would spontaneously combust. Apparently, "combust" isn't a word, according to Firefox.
Back-up source: [
That is what I'm supposed to be doing. Except for Mark Twain, which fucking sucks, because I fucking love Mark Twain. Leave it to my English class to suck the fun out of everything I fucking love. Don't get me wrong, it's not Mrs. Koszoru's fault. I actually really like her. But god. Damn. I am honestly on the verge of tears whenever I think of this paper. I don't know, maybe I'm being dramatic or something, but that's just how it is.
P.S.: "Alex Kapranos of the band commented -
Tonight: Franz Ferdinand is music of the night: to fling yourself around your room to as you psyche yourself for a night of hedonism, for the dance-floor, flirtation, for your desolate heart-stop, for losing it and loving losing it, for the chemical surge in your bloodstream. Its for that lonely hour gently rocking yourself waiting for dawn and it all to be even again."
I am freaking the fuck out.
I don't even know anymore. This sucks ughhh my life is so terrible and sad, etc., etc. -___-
I came to the fucking library to get some fucking work done. Am I doing it? No. Fuck. I'm going to end up a hobo somewhere, and not even the cool, Hollywood kind of hobo. The shitty kind of hobo that leads a terrible, sad life. That's where I'm going to fucking end up. I won't even have the pleasure of dying early. No. I will suffer for the rest of my fucking life for being so fucking lazy. Fuck.
Tuesday, March 23, 2010
Blogging. @ 8:24 PM
Um. So.
Even though nobody even reads this, I apologize for being away. I just haven't felt like writing anything. I wanted to today, but I don't anymore. I have things to say, I just don't know how to say them.
Monday, March 8, 2010
Yeah, that's right. @ 8:36 PM
Friday, March 5, 2010
I just failed my trig test. I would not look forward to grading these if I were Mr. Gorenstein. Shiiiiit.