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Monday, June 28, 2010

live alone @ 1:45 PM

I wanna live alone/
I could be happy on my own/
Live the rest of my life/
with the vaguest of feeling/


Wherever you are/
whoever is there/
you know that I'll be here, I'll be here/
wishing I could be there/

All I seem to want, to do is analyze why people do things.
I'm pretentious. I pretend I know things. I do nothing. I just sit here, yet I love thinking about why we are the way we are. I have no field experience. I could live like in Jack and Rose,
and go to the mainland for a bit, whenever I wanted. I'd bring in random men from time to time but I'd always
be alone.

I love people enough to not be with them.

Friday, June 25, 2010

:/ @ 10:54 PM

My last three posts have been about my iPod. I guess I'm going to have to resign to the fact that I'm not getting it back but I MISS IT SO MUCH. Every passing moment reminds me of how much I miss and need it. EVERY SECOND HURTS. I really hate the person who took it. The way I see it, they either have two choices: return it or suffer my fiery wrath. I swear to the god I don't believe in that if my iPod does not make its way back to me someone is going to pay. I hear being stabbed in the eyes with knitting needles is not a pleasant experience. God damn it.

It just makes me so upset. :|

Monday, June 21, 2010

iPod. @ 8:16 AM

I still can't find it. Someone most likely stole it and deleted all my junk and sold it to some dude in Canada. Well, I hope not but today is my last day of school so I don't think I'm getting it back. I know it's just an iPod, but I'm still very sad. I can't say my entire life was on that iPod, but a lot of personal things were and now they're gone.

Thursday, June 17, 2010

Shit. @ 8:38 AM

I really liked my layout and I accidentally fucked it up and I'm not even at my home computer. Also, I lost my precious iPod. I am really upset about that. I'm still hoping I find it, though.

Person who has my iPod: if you're reading this, please just turn it in to security or something. Seriously. That'll be great and good things will happen to you on account of how awesome you would be if you did that. Also, you'd probably get laid, and who doesn't want to get laid, am I right? Unless you are saving yourself for marriage, but I doubt it, 'cause you would have probably turned in my iPod, which you didn't, because I don't have it. Thanks for turning in my phone, though, I guess. I know you don't want that, 'cause it's kind of shitty. But seriously, dude. I want my iPod back. It doesn't take much, just be like, "I found this iPod," and then the security lady will be like, "Okay, thank you," and then I'll be like, "Did anybody turn it in yet?" and she'll be like, "Why yes, here it is!" and I will be happy and send a thousand unicorns your way. :|

Don't make a little girl cry. I'm a teenage girl. I love that iPod. I want it back!

Love, Angelica.

P.S.: If you don't return my iPod, I'll rig it to explode and then who's the winner here?

hi there.

"Tuesday night, at the bible study, we lift our hands and pray over your body but nothing ever happens."


Hi. I'm Angelica. I like Pokémon and complaining. I'm a youngster, but I freak out like a 42-year-old mother. This is just me worrying about getting into college.


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