"do you eat a lot, Angelica? 'cause I heard lesbians eat a lot."
"n-yeah. yeah. I eat so much. I just eat so much food."
"no, I'm lying. I'm not a lesbian."
"I heard lesbians lie all the time too!
"I think my girlfriend must be a lesbian, 'cause she eats a shitload and lies a lot."
and then I asked Cole if I could seduce his girlfriend and he said he couldn't stop me, but he'd prefer I didn't.
so I made my new mission in life to get Cole's girlfriend in the sack.
fff-- today was awesome. Paula, Cole, Matt, David and I all went to Chipotle with this kid Ethan and this girl he apparently likes or something, but WHO CARES this isn't about them.
we went to Matt's house after ('cause he happens to live across the street) and we watched Fantastic Mr. Fox and it was so good. we were all just remarking on how good it was. it was great. you should watch it, invisible audience.
today was pretty flipping great, man.
I honestly just want a friend that I can snuggle with.
Also, make out with.
We're teenagers, we all want that. Why is it so hard for meeee.