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Sunday, February 22, 2009

Stupid College. @ 2:08 AM

College Academy is one of the best opportunities that I have received while living in the United States. I plan to go very far with my education and getting a head-start for college is definitely part of that plan. As an immigrant originally from Venezuela, my mother and I came to this country with the purpose of making a better life than we could have had in our home country. I believe this program will bring me many benefits and a head-start in college. I don’t care. I don’t. I’ll just write 500 words of nothingness just so she can shut up and not take away my stupid phone and my laptop and my iPod, which even though it makes me sound materialistic, are the only things that get me through the days. Whatever; if she takes away my phone I hope I get kidnapped by goblins or something. Then how will she call me to reach me? Huh? I hate this and I hate her way of telling me to do things. I hate how she says I should do it for her for her and for her. I’m probably not even going to get in this sodding thing anyway, because I’m not worth it. Let’s face it: I’m not. Is that the kind of attitude you ant over there at your fancy academy? I wouldn’t. I’ll just graduate high school and work at McDonald’s, since apparently that’s what will happen if I don’t write this essay. That bitch. It makes me feel like dropping out of school and becoming a crackwhore. Whatever. Whatever, all I want is a flat in New York City with empty paint tubes all over the place and maybe a cute boyfriend that takes walks in Central Park with me or whatever. I want to live near Julian Casablancas. I want to learn guitar. I want to hold hands with a guy I like. I don’t want to sit here at two in the morning crying because I suck at life. Because I’m not even going to get in, since I haven’t done anything worthwhile and I don’t even have two language credits. And if I do get in, I’m going to turn it down and inside out and set it on fire and throw it out the window. I have zero service hours, I’ve done nothing for my community, and I’ve done nothing for anyone. I’ve just sat here, doing my math homework and not failing. And then now that the economy’s fucked up there’s no more scholarships, so I can’t even go to art school, ‘cause I can’t fucking pay it. I have no money, my mother has no money, my father won’t send that much money and I want to punch someone in the face. Whoever put us in this recession, I want to punch every single one of them in the face. I want all of it to go away. I want all of you to go away. Go away.

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Saturday, February 21, 2009

Church is great okay. @ 1:00 PM

So like my mom wants me to go to church with her today. c:
Fuck that.
No, really. Church is for wankers and people who actually want to go to church. Not to say that people who want to go to church are all wankers (please note the heavy Australian accent), though some of them are, but for completely not church-related reasons. *cough*
I personally think church is a waste of time. I mean, I can understand if you want some *commence lisp* spiritual healing */lisp* or whatever and you're free to go, no one's saying church is bad for you, but why do you HAVE to go every Sunday? I mean, people who do that either really want to get in good with (insert name here) (though I doubt he'd care...if he existed. LOLOLiwentthere) or they are just pissy motherfuckers. Y'all are all wastin' your gas money going to church to hear some guy talk about ... stuff that won't matter in a life-or-death situation and really, if you were stuck in a basement with Chuck Norris and a priest, who would you rather have Chuck Norris save? Just saying.
If you really want salvation, stop being a dick and do good shit when you're alive. When you've accomplished that, you can go to church all you fucking want.
Oh, and I'm aware this stuff could be considered pretty offensive. Truth is: I don't care. :D


Also, I love Alec Baldwin. He's awesome.



Sunday, February 15, 2009

Aw. @ 8:29 PM

He is waaaaaaaay too cute.
It's kind of sad. :[

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

hello. @ 8:40 PM

I haven't posted in a while. Computer class does that to a blog.
I really have a lot going through my mind, I just don't know how to express it in words properly.
I wish I could talk to someone other than my blog correctly.

Oh and
I fucked it up, and no one in my Chemistry class probably likes me,
and I have a C in Precalculus ALREADY.
I still haven't written he essay for College Academy and I haven't asked the guidance counselor.
I never do things, I put them off and I feel terrible and I still don't do them. I'm so scared. I don't know what's going to happen to me.

hi there.

"Tuesday night, at the bible study, we lift our hands and pray over your body but nothing ever happens."


Hi. I'm Angelica. I like Pokémon and complaining. I'm a youngster, but I freak out like a 42-year-old mother. This is just me worrying about getting into college.


mark twain
google HTML


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